royt after a quite optimistic weekend everything seems to be going pear-shaped again um received an email about esa and you know after all this time they need the actual usa letter the copy of the decision despite the fact the second claim was rejected before they even received the new evidence letter from the hospital and sick note from the gp so once they’ve made the decision apparently dwp have made the decision so the only good thing come out the weekend
after about five different operating systems i finally sorted my media center out that seems stable the network card doesn’t fall over anymore i think the external card is faulty so that’s going to get chucked in the bin it hasn’t worked on any operating system i’ve tried despite putting the right drivers from the manufacturer silence so that’s in the bin i don’t think it’s as good as a three-comb or a netgear anyway it’s a d-link one which has got a tiny circuit board on it compared to the other two that i normally use so maybe when i do get some money if i do get some money i’ll trick myself to a proper netgear card because they do work quite good and it offloads quite a lot on the processor um merlin will not be litter trying to love the money i tried yesterday afternoon locking me in the living room and all he did was hot snarl and growl at me despite that he went out and he went out for five or ten minutes and he came back and he even laid down in the snow once so i don’t know if he actually likes snow he’s cut so he’s upstairs asleep now back to his normal routine um i’m gonna make a little video sometime regarding how i’m making these videos because it has progressed over the last few weeks i’m still learning which software packages to use i’ve decided on vsdc i think that’s what i call it for the bulk of it but it doesn’t do fish eye correction which has always been a problem with like action cams and i’ve got this action cam i haven’t used until recently so i thought give it a go but it’s got fisheye distortion but as you see from this video compared to the last couple that distortion should now be taken out so i’ve decided to make a little video on what software i’m using and how i’m using it if only for the fact that if i start losing my memory then i’ll be able to look at my own videos to see what i was doing and it does happen from time to time i forget so it’s as much for my benefit as for anyone else what else is happening not a lot really i’ve emailed um the solicitor at cab after sending the relevant documents back to mainner at um social care team asking him for one of his colleagues to assist he did get in touch with someone regarding the sa or pip but they never contact me so i’ve emailed adrian to let him know that but i’m getting a bit fed up it still feels like i’m chasing people to get information rather than them keeping me up to date like good customer service practice is and to that point since no one’s listening about customer services i may start yet another playlist i haven’t created any channels yet because i don’t know how long these gonna go on for but i might start yet another playlist regarding customer service and best practice it’s still only going to be me talking to camera but hopefully it will help someone out there and apart from anything else it keeps me occupied and while i’m doing these videos
it’s like counselling so i’ve got no one else to talk to so i’ll talk to you dear camera anyway i think that’s it for now no update it’s only sort of like two o’clock in the afternoon so we’ll find out tomorrow what’s going on thank you for watching
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