Hello and welcome back. As you can see. This is another Diane trait with Poor Man’s crown. OK.
I’ve basically flooded back the green light bright green light so I can chroma cream my bathroom into the background. Not sure how it’s going to work though. I might not do it very often because the frame rate drops it the output is deadly is anything but. The frame rate is bad. Anyway, let’s have a look the sounds on the light to run the background’s on. Let’s carry on me hand disappears. That’s not bad for poor man’s growing quick, but. How wide does? It have to be to get Chroma Key.
It’s a chair.
Based one would be sufficient because I’m close enough in that you know it would be. Four or five feet wide, that would be pretty, pretty good. I might do that, you know. And then the Chroma Key would work better. The police left about an hour ago. I’m going to get another phone call from he Sergeant. He thinks it means. He was a bit disgusted at what? I said about Chingford police station. There’s not much you can do about housing. I’m sure there isn’t, but at least if I can get the police to investigate. All the assaults against me and I call them assaults. I don’t know if anyone else does. But threats from people who have admitted on camera twice that they take cannabis and housing do nothing. Should be evicted. Threats in writing. From one neighbours. Verbally threatening me in the stairwells. Shouting at me and accusing me of all sorts of hacks. Is not on. And I shouldn’t have to keep going through this for year after year. I want peace and quiet. And I want rid of my neighbours that are troublemakers. I don’t ask for much. And then I’ll be able to take that and rubbish out and I’ll have freedom back again. At the moment, I don’t have any freedom because housing support, my neighbours in bullying, harassing and threatening me. And like I said, if I’ve got them on camera, how can they deny it? I’ll look forward to that. I’ve not been very warm today. I had to have my dinner early about two ish, just to warm up. I’m going to have to sit down and try and workout something from Co-op because I am running out of food I can’t have. Chicken and chips all the time. Well, they haven’t said that. Yeah. I don’t even know if I’ve got any chips. I think I might have finished ones today. It’s not been good. I’m trying to think. Yeah, I’ve had my dinner. Early to warm up, I’ve had the heating on most of the afternoon. I had the stove on for three hours after I’ve done my dinner and I really didn’t realise it so God knows how much that’s cost me. Thankfully, it’s thermostatically controlled, so it wouldn’t have cost. That much more. But I have been. Shaking out of fear more than cold, I think I’m getting more and more scared daily here. And I don’t want to feel like this. I like the area. I just think housing should evict a few people. Just because you’ve got the same colour skin doesn’t mean you have to be biassed. In fact, public servants are supposed to be unbiased. And yet. They’re not in Waltham Forest. I’ve also reiterated my complaint of racism in Waltham Forest. He’s taken down the four names I’ve given. And I’ve told him that the SMT are investigating the one letter I’ve got to see if it was sent to any more than one person and they can ask for copies of it. But I said to this couple tonight, it wouldn’t have been sent to it wouldn’t normally have been sent to more than one person, cause some of them came from Darren Joseph, my alleged single point of contact. I don’t think anyone black has a single point of contact in this borough. Can’t get that information. But it’s a very rare privilege to be awarded a single point of contact. You have to be a troublemaking little ship, basically. And then the chief executive signs off. An official order saying put him on a single point of contact. We know it’s removing all his rights, but we don’t want to talk to him. And this was proven last week or this week when Waltham Forest Council tried putting me on a blocked team. There. Hmm. That would be interesting. I wonder what their explanation was for that. And the reason I say it was blocked is because after I spoke to Housing Ombudsman 3 hours later, I got 3 confirmations. And you don’t get a spam philtre and three confirmations. I’ve done that. I’ve forced it through the system. I think Waltham Forest Council are doing so like I keep saying, no one wants to listen to me. There’s so much **** going on with all them Forest Council. I would close the Council down. And immediately put it under the emergency sanctions and have all the services transferred to another borough. Immediately and then you can do a thorough investigation of everything that’s been going on. Because there’s discrimination and racism in Waltham Forest Council, I will keep saying this until someone out there picks this up and starts an investigation. I explained it to the police tonight. I’ve explained it to the police before. I’ve explained it to caseworkers. I can explain it to anyone you want to take me to court. Waltham Forest Council for perjury or? Even just for lying. Then prove it to me. Take me to. Court. Come on. I’d look forward to my baying court with you. Disclosure, you don’t want any of that, do you? Because if you take me to court, I can ask for Full disclosure. And if you don’t give. It to me you’ll be in breach of the court and deal with them that with corporate fines. So come on, take me to court. Then I can ask for Full disclosure and then I’ll get access to all the information you’ll be holding from me. I’ve tried getting all my data from housing twice and they’ve refused refused. So I’m trying it from the third parties. If I can get me data from the third parties. I can put two and two together and work out exactly what’s going on. That’s why the Council don’t like me. I’ve asked the chief executive for a subject access request for any communication he’s had with other departments. Internal and external. I think I’ve phrased it because I believe the chief exec of Wilson Forest has signed off a single point of contact as a punishment. It’s removing my rights and like I keep saying, the only way they can do that is either with a court order. Or via a policy where there’s safety measures involved, a right to appeal. Right to warning. Right to have protected rights protected. They hate me, Waltham Forest council. Because I might be old, I might be ill. And I might be autistic. But none that makes me stupid. I have rights. Rights that cannot without a court order be overmanned. And if the chief executive wants to sign off a single point of contact? Just because he don’t like the questions I ask. Then so be it. Let’s have a full investigation into the chief executive, Waltham Forest Council. Sherwin. Racism in housing. Discrimination from the chief execs office. Several chairs of committees for blocking me on. The e-mail system. I’ve put complaints in about that. Complaints at Waltham Forest start with the person you’re complaining about. That’s what complaints have told me. If I complain about housing, they’ll send the complaint to housing to investigate. Ohh, isn’t it a surprise that two years worth of complaints weren’t logged as complaints? Ohh, isn’t that fun? Are they racist? Are they discriminating against disabled people? Take your pick. One or the other will do, maybe both. I don’t know, boys and girls. I won’t lean back. Too far cause. Then my face disappears into the bin bags cause I get all the green light lentils man.
Like I keep saying, I have evidence I’ve shown the evidence I’ve got to the policeman that came out tonight. I have evidence. As much as I can, because Waltham Forest Council refusing to give me the information I require to prove things because they know they’ve done something wrong. There are a bunch of liars, racists, and disability discriminating people. And I would close the whole borough down tonight. Pass the powers over to the Housing Ombudsman, for instance. That’s where I would change the powers the Housing Ombudsman should have the right, like Ofcom, has to step in where they think there’s substantial misdemeanours. They should be able to take over. Housing, for instance. And it because it is where all the secrets are stored and deleted. And that’s the problem. They’ll say one thing on the phone, like my caseworker will verify. And they’ll do something totally different. Like telling me off or raising a complaint. We’re going to ignore any further complaints about you and waste management, Mr Gibbons. OK, but tell me the answer.
I’m not sure they can ignore complaints about anything anyway. You know, over a period of time, circumstances change and if you put another request in. It’s based to be seen as individual. In fact, I should force that up. In fact, it has gone up to the OG local Government Ombudsman and social care. They’ve requested a copy of their final appeal or final complaint. Because I’m not sure they can actually do what they. Said they did. And they haven’t answered the question and they. Said something about moving the communal bins and never asked about moving the communal bins. I mean, if they move the communal beans underneath my kitchen window, that would be ideal. I could just drop the bags out of. The kitchen window and. Then we’re all happy. But as it stands, I don’t think they will, even though the Council don’t give a **** whether the bins are inside the bin sheds or not, or whether the bin sheds are locked or not. I put complaint in 18 months ago about the lead and have been shed being broken and that’s been ignored. And that that is supported by his manager and their manager. And probably their manager manager. It goes up the chain. I mean, where does the racism and hate crime end? Waltham Forest Council. I could do with. A beer I tell you or some. Wine. I’m going. To do an order in a moment and get some alcohol this weekend and some food and try and get healthy and warm because I’m fed up of living like this. Anyway, 13 minutes did so I’d keep it down to 10 boys and girls didn’t. No. OK. Well, I’m going to love you and leave you. I’ll speak to you again shortly. Have a good night.
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